Everyone knows the Safari look has been super hot this past year, its everywhere, from pants, to jackets, to shorts etc...My good friend Ellen asked me yesterday- How can she wear her cargo shorts?
Well my advise is wear the shorts with a crisp button up shirt, that you would either half tuck in or fully tuck into the shorts. Pair with nude wedges, which will elongate your legs plus give you some definition. Now everyone is not a show off your legs kind of girl. I am, that is for sure, but realistically even for me, if you're wearing this outfit out and about all day flats might be a better option. Go with an embellished sandal, either gladiator or ones that have some sort of a strap around the ankle. Next for your outfit is jewelry, to me, jewelry tells a lot about a person's personality. So either layer on some different types of necklaces to get texture or play it simple with either some bracelets....either way when you are putting together your outfit, just think of what kind of look you want to accomplish. Is that a chic look, a simple, a trendy, or possibly an unique one?
Posted are some pictures that might inspire you to pair the cargo shorts in other ways. If you notice almost all the tops era on the feminine side. That is because...you need to bring in feminine aspects to this outfit.. either by high heels, your top, or jewelry etc..the reason for this is you want to balance out the shorts because they "read" as masculine...

Remember that when you try out this look. Just have fun with it....you might have to try a few things before you find that one awesome outfit, that all your friends will want to borrow....
Thanks for the help on how to wear cargo shorts. You've given me several great tips- the girlie top and higher heels. I'll let you know what I come up with.
You will have to send me a picture of whatever awesome outfit you come up with
Thank god you included sample pictures. Lol. Who knows what I would've walked out in!